Testing section   Body test
Body test
  • Skin test 
  • Body test 
  • Body shape test 
  • Golden ratio test 
  • Ache test 
STEP 1 Test the BMI value
Please check whether your BMI is within the ideal range!
Height CM
Weight KG
Calculation result
  • Your BMI is --
  • Standard weight: -- KG   ※ Standard weight(kg) = 22 × (height(m) × height(m))
    Your distance to the standard weight is -- KG   ※ Current weight - standard weight
  • Beauty weight: -- KG   ※ Beauty weight(kg) = 20 × (height(m) × height(m))
BMI value BMI<18.5 18.5≦BMI<24 24≦BMI<27 27≦BMI<30 30≦BMI<35 BMI≧35
Benchmark of obesity judgment Underweight Standard weight Overweight Mild obesity Moderate obesity Severe obesity
In addition, the waistline has been added as a standard for the judgment of obesity. Even your BMI value doesn't exceed the standard, but it shall be called as "obesity" if the male's waistline exceeds 90cm or the female's waistline exceeds 80cm.
The formula is the calculation based on Body Mass Index, BMI. The formula is applicable to adults (regardless of the gender).
The weight adding or subtracting 10% belongs to normal weight. The standard weight refers to the weight in the conditions of best health, hardly getting ill, and longevity.
※BMI is not applicable to teenagers under 18 years old, pregnant or breast feeding women, old people and athletes.
The slender and graceful figure which the women with the love of beauty pursuit is the beauty weight. Beauty weight refers to the weight with the best appearance while keeping health. It is a higher requirement to the body shape as well as the newest interpretation of gold body shape.